Pubg pc cost
Pubg pc cost

pubg pc cost

This means that while PUBG Mobile will launch in 200 countries, India will be one of these countries where gamers will be able to download the game. In what is likely to be the most noteworthy development, PUBG New state India launch will take place on the same day the game is released for other countries. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming launch of PUBG New State for iOS and Android.Īlso read: Looking for a smartphone? Check Mobile Finder here.īack in February, Krafton announced PUBG New State which prompted questions on whether the game would arrive in India. The game is expected to feature incredibly realistic graphics on mobile phones along with familiar weapon customisation, vehicles and even tools like drones. Gamers will have to make the best use of the terrain, interact with objects and use their best strategy to beat their opponents and win the game. Check out the PUBG New State release date for India, price, minimum requirements below. Like earlier, PUBG New State will see players drop in on a battleground, but this time, the game will be set in 2051 on a map called TROI.

pubg pc cost

Pubg pc cost android#

The developer had recently revealed the official PUBG New State launch date for the game, giving players all around the world a clear idea of when the game would be available for download on both Android and iOS devices. Gamers have been looking forward to the upcoming title for several months now. Considering the hype being generated, PUBG New State might just be the most awaited battle royale game to arrive this year after Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI).

Pubg pc cost